Gamification and QSR Employees

Boost Growth for Your Quick Service Restaurant with Workplace Gamification and QSRSoft!

Gamification isn’t just a passing trend. It’s a popular approach that businesses across industries use to motivate and engage with employees. While its origins were often for keeping remote employees engaged, a variety of businesses, including quick service restaurants, have found huge benefits from employing gamification for their on-location employees.

What is Gamification?

If you haven’t heard of it yet, you are probably wondering just what is gamification? No, it’s not pulling a board game out during team meetings. Instead, it is the process of adding elements of game-like activities and healthy competition to non-game activities (like work)!

Gamification can incorporate training in a fun and engaging way, encourage employees to improve their work by using a bit of competition, as well as celebrate employee and company wins in a fun way. 

Sounds fun, right? 

The Benefits of Gamification

Gamification isn’t just fun! It provides some amazing benefits for your quick service restaurant. Here are some of the benefits that gamification provides:

1 | It Increases Employee Engagement

Gamification is fun and interactive, which helps increase employee engagement. If you are using it to train employees, it makes learning fun. Gamification even helps boost an employee’s willingness to learn, meaning that information will stick better. Say goodbye to repeat training sessions and hello to more knowledgeable employees! 

2 | It Increases Productivity

Gamification also increases productivity. In fact, a study done by TalentLMS found that 89% of workers felt gamification made them feel more productive. Because gamification encourages healthy competition between employees, workers are more eager to complete tasks. We are hardwired to seek out rewards for our efforts, so the endorphin high we all get when we win a game can be a real boost to our productivity levels!

3 | It Increases Efficiency

When productivity goes up, so does efficiency. A willingness to complete tasks means that tasks get done in a shorter amount of time, rather than unwilling employees who drag their feet. In fact, studies show that gamification can result in up to a 25% improvement in key performance indicators. 

4 | It Promotes Employee Loyalty

While gamification can promote healthy competition between employees, great gamification also provides recognition to individual employees for their individual achievements. This can help you show your gratitude for your employees and leads to overall increased levels of employee happiness. When your employees are happy with where they work, they are more likely to stay loyal to your company, which means lower turnover rates! 

5 | It Provides Improved Customer Service

One of the biggest benefits of gamification is one that trickles down to customer service. Why? First, gamification reinforces good behavior through rewards. It also promotes continuous improvement. When done right, it can also foster teamwork, collaboration, and a sense of community. Finally, customers can tell when employees are happy or unhappy with their job. Happy employees means better service and happier customers! 

Employ Gamification with QSRSoft Products!

Ready to connect your people and your business? QSRSoft can help you gamify your quick service restaurant with QSRSoft TV! Our gamification platform motivates and engages your team plus keeps everyone connected with seamless messaging to an entire location or organization. Plus, you can easily recognize employees for their achievements, and even automate recognition for birthdays or anniversaries, helping increase employee retention. 
Nothing drives performance like competition! Set up gamification with QSRSoft TV and your teams can compete across one or many of your key performance metrics. Want a demo? Reach out to us today to see how we can help you drive key growth metrics through workplace gamification.